What is that gaping white above the toilet paper, you ask? At eye level to you, er, sitting? Well let me show you:
Yes, that is a PERSON. Sitting down and trying fervently to not make eye contact. Which is why she didn't know I took her photo. Cause, this happened. And it happens a lot.
See what I mean? I not only watched several people dry their hands, I made eye contact with two who were checking if the stall was occupied.
These things also happened recently:
- Houston, TX Saltgrass - went into bathroom, grabbed first empty stall, sat, then while doing my business, looked up. Now there is always a gap between the door and wall. But FOUR INCHES??? I wondered, "Can people see in as well as I can see out?" Then I got waved at by a child. The answer to that question is YES. (not photo above; sadly, this was another occasion).
- A young girl showed me her new panties while I was washing my hands. I had to agree, that, yes, those are pretty butterflies, but oh, you shouldn't pull your dress over your head like that....
- Bathrooms at the fair differ from most public events - like LARGE HUGE SUPER SCARY BUGS that are on the ceiling! Heard the following while in a stall: "What's that?!?!?! "I don't know! Kill it! Kill it!" Followed by screaming and the sound of pounding on bathroom walls, shaking the entire system in the process. I didn't get a photo, but I did sit and tremble in fear that some huge bug would land on me. Fear makes it harder to pee, FYI.